What’s All the BUZZ about? Okay, that may not have been my best one, but I can’t help myself! I love this lesson because it is so important! Pollination is process of pollen being transferred from one plant to another. Without this process, plants would not be able to create seeds and new plants would not be able to grow! To celebrate pollination I created 5 pollination activities to do with your children!
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Pollination Activities: Language and Literacy
One of my favorite pollinators is the bee! Well that just means that we are going to be introducing Evie to the letter B!
I created a letter B wall so that Evie can become more familiar with the letter and the sound. As she continues to learn new words (which I attribute all to our increased use of story sticks), Evie prefers “B” words. Belly, Ball, Book, Banana are all some of the words she has learned in the past couple of weeks. For our “B” wall, I included pictures of some of these things and a couple new pictures so that she can learn some new words as well as practice some of her more common ones!
I simply cut out the images, laminated them, stuck a velcro dot on the back, and put them up on the felt board I made for her! She loves her felt board! She will take things off and put things back on. The Flower puzzle (coming up soon) is one of her favorite things to do on this board!
Pollination Activities: Math
During this activity in our plant life cycle lesson plan, I introduced patterns for her. Now, Evie is not creating patterns yet. That doesn’t mean your child won’t! I created a flower cutting, pasting pattern sheet that I would do with my 3’s class weekly. For every problem, there is only one answer. They loved them!
I also included some extra flowers on the second and third pages so that you can practice making your own patterns!
Pollination Activities: Science and Sensory
This pollination project was probably may be favorite activity. We created some coffee filter flowers (just to hold chalk), and put chalk shavings into the middle.

Afterwards, I placed them in front of Evie. Helped her stick her hand in the flower to collect ‘pollen’, then we transferred the pollen to different flowers! My goal was to show Evie how pollination works. To do this, I have different colored chalk, that she would slap the chalk onto the flowers. This showed how the pollen transfers from one flower to another!

I made a couple of different flowers on black paper (to show the chalk better) with white pens. I knew Evie would want to keep slapping the paper for a while and I was right! She LOVED them!

Pollination Activities: Creative Arts
Bees and Butterflies are two major parts of pollination! For our activity, Evie and I used extra Easter eggs and rocks to paint some bees! When you are on your nature walks grab some rocks. For my friends who are still buried under lots of snow, I got you! These rocks come in a couple different sizes and are flat. They are perfect for painting! I like to use these paint pens when I want to get better details! I plan to put these in Evie’s Fairy Garden so, I wanted to make sure that I didn’t use super messy paint, and that the paint would stick around after it rained a couple of times.

We had a couple of toilet paper tubes laying around so we made a couple more alternative bees and butterflies!
Using a toilet paper tube, I painted a bee with yellow and black paint. I used pipe cleaners for the wings and the antennas.

I use made a butterfly using a toilet paper tube that I cut into small strips. I bend the tube to make the body and wing shapes. Then I used cellophane to create an awesome color reflection when it is ‘flying’ in the air!
Pollination Activities: Music and Movement
We can’t not do the waggle dance! Did you know that bees dance to communicate? How COOL! Check out more fun facts here!
Additional Resources
Final Thoughts
I had so much fun with these activities! Evie enjoyed the painting and the chalk too! What were your favorite parts. If you enjoyed this lesson, check out my week long Plant Life Cycle Lesson Plan!
Feel free to share your thoughts, experiences or pictures! Thank you for reading and allowing me to become a part of your child’s learning journey.