Are you ready for EASTER! I am! With these preschool Easter activities you won’t have to spend hours preparing educational activities for your children, I already did that! I hope you are ready to hop around, get painting and constructing traps for the Easter Bunny!

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Preschool Easter Activities: Language & Literacy

During our Language and Literacy time, Evie and I read “How to Catch the Easter Bunny” by Adam Wallace. The illustrator, Andy Elkerton, does amazing work in this book and this series is one of my favorites. This book definitely doesn’t disappoint! They have wonderful books for almost every holiday and magical creature.

If you don’t already have this book, I attached the link to the read aloud! Storytime Anytime does a wonderful job narrating this book.

I loved this read aloud!

We will be referencing this book during our Science and Sensory time. I recommend reading this book first!

Preschool Easter Activities: Math

We had so much fun with this activity and Evie was so excited to wake up and find the Easter Bunny visiting for the day! Naturally, the Easter Bunny was hungry, so we rounded up some of his favorite snack: carrots! In our mini “Hungry Bunny” activity, our Bunny asked for a specific number of carrots and we counted out the correct number of carrots for our bunny!

hungry bunny preschool easter activity
Feed the hungry bunny preschool easter activity

I included the PDF for this activity. It is 6 pages and includes 20 carrots, number cards for the bunny to hold (up to 20), and the Hungry Bunny himself.

Preschool Easter Activities: Science & Sensory

Have your copy of “How to Catch the Easter Bunny” out and ready to go! Today we are building an Easter Bunny Trap! That Easter Bunny is crafty, so we will have to be too!

I love creating ‘traps’ at this age. It allows children to practice their spatial awareness and fine motor skills! Did you know that spatial awareness and mathematical development are closely aligned! Check out this article from Stanford University.

As a key component of STEAM education, constructing and creating ‘traps’ can be a wonderful way to introduce engineering projects to children. Now, Evie’s trap is going to be much more simple than a 5 year old’s trap. Evie’s trap required a little more (a lot more) help from mom to start. We constructed a simple trap using a box, paper towel tube and a string. We propped the box open with the paper towel tube and then tied the string to the tube. Our plan is to wait until the Easter Bunny is close and then pull the tube from under the box!

This is one simple trap. There are some pretty complicated ones out there and they are a wonderful way to build upon your child’s engineering skills! Some of my favorite ones are:

How did your trap turn out?!

Preschool Easter Activities: Creative Arts

Painting is an activity that both Evie and I love! Today we journeyed to our local store, found some Peeps and used the bunny Peeps to stamp bunnies onto our paper in pastel colors (blue, yellow, green). I only had a very bright pink, but it ended up giving the paper a nice contrast.

painting with peeps easter activity
painting with peeps mom easter activity

I was mildly worried that Evie might try to eat the marshmallow. As a backup, I bought sponges that I could cut into the shape of a bunny Peep! If your child is a taster like mine is, this may be a way to discourage the random paint licks.

Preschool Easter Activities: Music & Movement

Exercise and movement are SO important for children! Not only is exercise good for the body, but also exercise is good for the mind too! The CDC has great information on the subject!

This particular song is reminiscent of a pop song. It is cute, happy, upbeat and moves a slightly faster pace. I have noticed that I loose Evie’s attention if the song is too slow.

While following the video’s motions is great for gross motor skills, Evie isn’t quite at that stage where she follows all of the motions, so I focus on one or two new motions that she hasn’t tried before and a couple motions that she is already doing. This encourages her to explore moving her body and practice her gross motor skills that she is already developing.

Material List

When gathering materials for an AWESOME Easter Bunny themed day, it may be easier if I just wrote out everything you need. The best part is your really do not need that much to do these at activities at home with your children!

Language & Literacy


Science & Sensory

  • Box
  • Paper Towel Tube (trim to appropriate size)
  • Paint/Marker/Stickers/Craft Supplies for decoration
  • String
  • Bait of your choice ( I hear the Easter Bunny likes carrots)

Creative Arts

Additional Resources

  • Here is an article about spatial awareness in infants and toddlers from Michigan State University
  • Learn about Gross Motor Skills from the Napa Center
  • Pregnancy Birth and Baby wrote this article one Toddler development and motor skills
  • If you don’t know about Teacher Pay Teacher, well you can thank me later! This amazing resource allows you to search for activities created by educators, filter by age, activity, or price and there is a whole section for FREE activities. There are some really awesome FREE easter activities for children on this site.

Final Thoughts

Overall, I loved doing these bunny themed activities with Evie and I hope you enjoyed them as well! Feel free to leave a comment and tell me your child’s favorite part. I feel so blessed to be able to join in on your child’s learning journey! Thank you for reading and I hope you have a wonderful Easter!

By Catie